Do you need orthotics in Dallas, TX?
Let’s find out. Few people have perfect feet. This can be especially problematic, as your feet function as the foundation for you entire body. In fact, there are many different structural elements that can impact your feet, the way you walk, and how your body feels. Knowing what kind of foot you have can help you avoid pain and injury. Here are the various structures and possible problems associated with them that could indicate you are in need of orthotics in Dallas, TX.
Pronated Feet
The is one of the most common structural foot problems. To put it simply, pronated feet have arches that tend to bend under weight while standing, walking, or running. It can look and feel as if the foot hits completely flat against the floor, but this isn’t the case. People with pronation usually allow their feet to roll inward at varying degrees due to the lack of arch support. This causes serious issues with alignment which will impact and cause pain in the ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, and even the back.
Flat Feet
While pronated feet may provide the illusion of flatness, it is also quite possible to have actual flat feet as well. Arches are natural and healthy. They provide support to the entire skeletal system. Structural issues can be detrimental to overall body support and make the body more susceptible to injury. This can be an especially big problem for athletes.
High-Arched Feet
Conversely, it’s also possible to have too much arch. Some feet are so arched, in fact, that the middle portion of the foot does not touch the ground at all. Just as having no arch can effect structural stability and flexibility, so too can having too exaggerated of an arch.
Supinated Feet
With supinated feet the arch is also well-defined, but the most obvious identifier is that people who supinate typically put more pressure on the outside of their feet as they walk. This is opposite of what happens when pronating. The foot tends to bend outward, pulling the ankle and everything else with it. This is harder to identify while walking, but can be noticed when looking at a worn pair of shoes. The shoes may be deformed or worn down more along the outside edges.